Groves Heavy Duty Transport Rack - 4000 LBS

SKU: TR-4482
Groves Inc.
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Material Handling Equipment by Groves

The Heavy-Duty Transport Racks are designed for transporting and storing product in your shop or on the job. Forklift hoops mounted on sides. Bottom pads and uprights have full length rubber strips. Quick release mounting pins change the transport rack from mobile to stationary in less than a minute. The Materials Handling Equipment is brought to by Groves Incorporated and has a storing capacity of 4,000 pounds.



TR4482 82" 44" 48" 58" 69" 540 lb. $1,490.00
TR4496 96" 44" 60" 70" 81" 740 lb. $1,885.00

Add-On Part No. Description
CK-4 Caster Kit with Two 8" Rigid and Two 8" Swivel/Brake Casters
HD4482 Hold Down for TR4482
HD4496 Hold Down for TR4496
RS-TR44 Replacement Strap and Ratchet for TR4482/TR4496
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