S-1400 Pene-Krete® Additive

SKU: 02-MRPK1400-1G
Arizona Polymer Flooring
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Non-Hazardous Liquid Additive for Enhanced Hydration in Concrete

S-1400 Pene-Krete Additive is a non-hazardous liquid additive designed to enhance portland cement-based products. When added to concrete, the additive creates a chemical reaction that prolongs the hydration of the cementing materials, improving the workability and performance of the concrete. This formulation ensures a more consistent and durable mix, contributing to the overall strength and longevity of concrete surfaces.


  • Prolongs hydration of cementing materials
  • Increases workability of concrete
  • Enhances the performance of portland cement-based products


Property Value
Packaging Gallon Bottle, 5 Gallon Pails, 55 Gallon Drum, 1 Pallet (36 pails), 275 Gallon Tote
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